Who we are
The Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Health Care (IRCCS) San Raffaele is devoted to guarantee excellent care in many fields of rehabilitation. The institution performs an intense and qualified research activity thanks to the support of a modern Research Centre and an Interinstitutional Multidisciplinary Biobank (BioBIM), a cutting-edge facility for translational research in the medical area, whose multidisciplinary organization allows pluripotency, flexibility and the involvement of several areas of expertise. The BioBIM wide network of collaborations strengthens the possibility of promoting cultural exchange at a national and international level, supporting projects, multicentre protocols and research agreements.
Our role in REVERT
San Raffaele will function as Project Coordinator ensuring a good group dynamic, providing opportunities for extracting the best from the intellectual capacity and expertise of the partners and acting as the intermediary between the Beneficiaries and the Funding Authority. In addition to its Coordinator responsibilities San Raffaele will jointly function with the infrastructure design, which will be implemented as an ICT framework for integrating, extracting and harmonizing data from the different databases coordinated in the project and to be used in the decision support systems being developed to predict patient responses to combinatorial therapies for mCRC care.
To build an AI-based computational framework for the construction of clinical decision-making systems that provide probabilistic information in terms of risk definition, therapeutic response, prognosis, or disease outcome in patients with chronic disorders.

Fiorella Guadagni

Patrizia Ferroni

Antonella Spila

Who we are
ProMIS - Mattone Internazionale Salute, is an institutionalised network, led by Veneto Region, involving the Ministry of Health and all the Italian Regions/Autonomous Provinces. Since 2011, ProMIS has been promoting opportunities of cooperation among the Italian regions in the framework of European funds and opportunities about social and health issues. ProMIS main tasks are: a) offering opportunities for information, dissemination and training; b) fostering the capacity building of public administrations; c) responding the needs jointly expressed by the regions and local social-healthcare authorities; d) stimulating the participation of Italian clusters to national and European initiatives; e) supporting the regions and other public administrations in transferring knowledge and competences at EU level.
Our role in REVERT
ProMIS applies its expertise on dissemination and communication at European level. The objectives are:
- to disseminate project knowledge, standards and results during the project duration
- to disseminate to relevant stakeholders and the general public information about innovative alternative therapy to treat mCRC patients with, the project outcomes and current results
- to create an effective and tangible dissemination and communication plan
- to develop a strategy for commercial exploitation of the result

Lisa Leonardini

Monica Manfrin

Lola Patumi

Nicola Scomparin

Paola Semisa

Who we are
Biovariance GmbH was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in Waldsassen, Germany. Its multidisciplinary team develops innovative AI solutions for precision medicine in the healthcare, pharma and biotech sectors. In cooperation with physicians, BioVariance offers long-term monitoring of molecular changes in patients to predict the effectiveness, side effects and drug interactions, thereby helping to determine optimal medication and dosage. To achieve this, state-of-the-art automatization and parallelization techniques, machine learning, and mathematical algorithms are combined to analyze complex biomedical data.
Our role in REVERT
BioVariance applies its expertise on the development of predictive models for the stratification of patients according to the clinical outcome of a medical treatment, based on the patients’ molecular data. Suitable models and AI methods are selected with regard to traceability for the identification and validation of molecular signatures.
Our aim is to reveal the mechanisms behind therapy efficiency in colorectal cancer to enable the identification of the best possible treatment for each individual patient.

Tanja Lucas

Alexander Maurer

Who we are
IMAGO-MOL, the only dedicated medical imaging cluster in Romania and European Union is a non-governmental organization whose objectives are to support the growth of scientific and economic competitiveness of its members in North East Region The focus areas are medical imaging and connected fields mainly oriented towards digital health. Established in 2012, Imago-Mol Cluster gathers under its umbrella a number of 35 members: universities, R&D institutes, healthcare, ICT and tech SMEs, public and private hospitals, promoters of regional development.
Our role in REVERT
As a cluster management entity, we will ensure the coordination and harmonization in terms of project management, communication and dissemination of the project for our affiliates (linked third parties) that will directly participate in the project in both IT and medical activities. Moreover, our IT experts will be directly involved in the development of the REVERT DataBase, the innovative AI based decision support system and the predictive model mobile app that will facilitate the access to the system to the end users.
As precision medicine is one of the focus area of our cluster's efforts, we believe that REVERT will be our first joint effort to contribute to an European model of AI based support decision system that will improve the personalized therapeutic approach of CRC.

Mihaela Breaban

Alina Capitanu

Adrian Iftene

Carmen Mihai

Cipriana Stefanescu

SPIRIDON IASI (affiliate partner)
Who we are
Founded on January 1st, 1757, the "Sf. Spiridon" Emergency County Hospital in Iaşi remains in the history of the Romanian healthcare system as one of the first medical units established in the Romanian Countries. Throughout its troubled history, the hospital has now reached a unanimously recognized peak activity, becoming the leading medical regional center with a capacity of 1200 beds. Remarkable national premiers were held in this hospital (first crystalline transplant, first transparietohepatic cholangiography, first percutaneous external drainage cholangiography, first percutaneous angioplasty, first endoscopic gastrostomy, the first laparoscopic suture of a perfused ulcer and the first liver transplant from the Moldavian region). To this day, the highly trained medical team has dedicated their full attention to providing the best medical care in the North-Eastern region of Romania.
Our role in REVERT
"Sf. Spiridon" Emergency County Hospital participates with FFPE samples from resected tumors and biopsies containing cancerous and peri-cancerous tissues of the patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma included in the retrospective study. For the innovative biomarkers' studies, biological material from each patient included could be available in the form of one paraffin block from the tumor tissue.
Our role in this project is to deliver reliable results based on thorough selection of cases, morphological and immunohistochemically characterization and evaluation of traditional biomarkers and prognostic factors.

Delia Gabriela Ciobanu Apostol

Mihai Danciu

Irene Alexandra Spiridon

SC EUROCLINIC (affiliate partner)
Who we are
SC EUROCLINIC - VICTORIA HOSPITAL is a hospital structure, with consulting rooms, outpatient treatment rooms, day hospital, permanent hospitalization and a closed-circuit pharmacy. SC EUROCLINIC is one of the strongest centers of clinical cancer research in Romania. With active participation since 2001 in over 80 clinical trials on Phase II and Phase III cancers (with therapeutic benefits for the patients), Victoria Hospital has close cooperation with major multinational pharmaceutical companies, often completed with the publication of various studies at international congresses, published articles in prestigious journals or approval of many innovative drugs in oncology by the FDA or EMEA.
Our role in REVERT
SC EUROCLINIC will contribute in the delivering of the patients data for the Revert Data Base in collaboration with “Sf Spiridon” Emergency Hospital from Iasi and is one of the oncology units which will run the prospective study to evaluate the association between individual profiles and clinical outcomes in 1st line metastatic colorectal cancer patients.
The project has a great potential to offer us new solutions in the therapeutic approach of mCRC. The use of Artificial Intelligence in order to create a decision support system is a promising technique in medicine.

Constantin Volovat

Alexandru Hordila

Irina Hordila

Simona Volovat

UTGAD IASI (affiliate partner)
Who we are
The Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi is among the oldest (founded in 1937) and well known institutions from Romania, having an important tradition in engineering, scientific and cultural education, with a distinguishable presence on the international level. The staff involved in the REVERT project are from the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering. The faculty has four research centres that focus on scientific research carried out in modern laboratories, in directions such as big data, signal processing, high performance computing, image processing, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Our role in REVERT
The Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania is involved in the REVERT project as a linked third party of IMAGO-MOL. Our researchers will collaborate with other partners in fulfilling the WP2 tasks, mainly developing the REVERT software requirements and architecture and also developing and testing the software modules needed within the REVERT software framework. We will also contribute to WP3, where we will assist other AI and ML specialists in developing the predictive models necessary for fulfilling the project goals.
The REVERT project has the potential to turn into a game-changer regarding combinatorial treatments and personalized medicine in directions pertaining to oncology, as well as for other types of pathologies.

Paul Herghelegiu

Marius Gavrilescu

Florin Leon

ROMSOFT (affiliate partner)
Who we are
RomSoft is a Romanian private software development company with extensive experience in the design and implementation of scalable IT systems for its clients in Western Europe, USA and Japan as well as in research and development activities through participations in multiple partnership consortiums funded through European and national R&D programmes. RomSoft was granted the "Certification for Scientific Development and Research" issued by NASR (National Authority for Scientific Research) in 2008 and is ISO 9000 certified by TÜV AUSTRIA CERT GMBH since 2004. RomSoft was responsible for all design and software development stages in several integrated platforms with application to telemedicine and e-health that include everything from data acquisition (from electronic equipment or smart sensors) to data integration, processing and secure transmission of data, patient/doctor interfaces, prediction systems, next-generation patient data management, monitoring and real time notifications and reporting.
Our role in REVERT
RomSoft is involved into WP2 work package “Harmonization and security of data – data management”. This task includes participation on building the Software Requirements and Architecture document, creating a database that stores local data and publishing a web application in which doctors can enter and analyze patient data. RomSoft is also responsible for building a web application that will help the Romanian doctors to collect the patient data specific to the project.
RomSoft intends to integrate the tools developed within the Revert project into a larger application developed by the company for medical data storage and management and that implements telemedicine services.

Neculai Popescu

Lucian Nita

Who we are
University of Rome “Tor Vergata” embraces multidisciplinary competences (from computer science to human sciences) in a unique environment that supports cross-fertilization between Medicine and Artificial Intelligence. Within the Departments of Systems Medicine and of Industrial Engineering, the Medical Oncology Unit and the Artificial Intelligence Unit are involved in clinical programs emphasizing the diagnosis and treatment of solid tumors. The Units provide a full range of "standard" and "innovative" protocols based on Artificial Intelligence algorithms identified within diagnostic and therapeutic pathways involving a close collaboration between the specialists of the numerous disciplines present at the Tor Vergata Clinical Center (PTV).
Our role in REVERT
The REVERT project will address the specific challenge of understanding the pathophysiology of mCRC in patients responding well or poorly to therapies, to design optimal strategies for mCRC treatment on a case by case basis, by evaluating combinational therapies and modulating therapeutic interventions depending on the patient’s individual characteristics. By analysing the responses to already authorized molecular drugs for mCRC, an AI-based decision support system incorporating available large databases with new biomarkers and gender differences will be implemented to evaluate its impact on survival and quality of life in a prospective clinical trial.

Mario Roselli

Fabio Massimo Zanzotto

LOCAL HEALTH UNIT 3 "SERENISSIMA" (affiliate partner)
Who we are
The Regional Center for Cancer Biomarkers (CRIBT) is a research organization established by the Veneto Region dedicated to translational research on biomarkers, which operates within the Health Authority AULSS3 Serenissima. The area of interest of CRIBT is field-testing of candidate biomarkers for cancer management. Specific skills developed by CRIBT are (i) biomarker discovery (ii), validation of new biomarkers, (iii) adaptation of guidelines and (iv) education, training and tutoring. CRIBT has developed and is currently managing a certified biobank containing biological materials (primarily serum, plasma and tissue cytosol) collected from patients with different malignancies, benign diseases and healthy controls.
Our role in REVERT
As a partner of the ONCONEST JRU, CRIBT will collaborate to develop the network of laboratories able to use validated protocols for new biomarkers with up-to-date technologies and built-in quality control, and to integrate them with emerging AI models. CRIBT will provide expertise in (i) the production of SOPs for samples collection, processing and storage, (ii) the optimization of analytical methods appropriate for accurate and reproducible routine measurement of biomarkers, (iii) the choice of quality assurance procedures and (iv) the validation of decision criteria suitable to translate biomarker results into clinical practice.
To optimize pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical phases of the diagnostic process to guarantee that measured biomarker values are accurate and reproducible to be reliably integrated in the framework for the construction of clinical decision-making systems which will be developed in the REVERT Project.

Massimo Gion

ISPRO (affiliate partner)
Who we are
The Institute for the Study, Prevention and Cancer Network (ISPRO) of Tuscany Regional Health Care System has been a reference in the field of cancer prevention for over 40 years through primary, secondary and tertiary cancer prevention actions and cancer research programs. ISPRO carries out epidemiological evaluation and surveillance relating to aspects of lifestyle, environmental exposures and related socio-economic aspects, promotion and implementation of intervention projects in the field of cancer prevention, including by biomarkers, both in the general population and in sub-groups at specific risk. ISPRO is the reference center for cancer screening programs (mammography, cervical and colorectal).
Our role in REVERT
ISPRO will implement the experimental and clinical validation of biomarkers in laboratory practice as well as the identification of prognosis biomarkers to obtain the best therapeutic strategy in clinical practice. We will contribute to the translation of biomarkers to clinical practice to evaluate the relationship between individual profiles and clinical outcomes in first line mCRC patients. In addition, we will provide epidemiological and laboratory support for the achievement of all the objectives of the ONCONEST JRU.
Contribute, with the ONCONEST JRU, to achieve a greater understanding of the pathophysiology of mCRC in patients who respond differently to conventional anticancer drug therapies to develop a personalized medicine strategy.

Marco Peluso

Francesca Carozzi

Cristina Sani

Simonetta Bisanzi

"Paolo Giaccone" University Hospital of Palermo (affiliate partner)
Who we are
The "Paolo Giaccone" Polyclinic University Hospital (Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico, AOUP) of Palermo is a national-level, highly specialized hospital, which was established by a decree of the Rector of the University of Palermo on 1st April 1996. The AOUP contributes to pursue the institutional targets of the Faculty of Medicine, ensuring assistance to the development of the didactic and research, consistently with the regional health policy. That mission is pursued through an autonomous managerial strategy, aimed to implement synergies with the University and set up a scenario where training, research and assistance activity are integrated.
Our role in REVERT
The AOUP is part of the Joint Research Unit and will be involved in a population-based prospective clinical study that will provide new insights about the association between individual profile and clinical outcome in 1st line mCRC patients. In detail the AOUP will be the leader of the specific task for defining innovative treatment options based on the new resulting profiles of mCRC patients designated to treatment with a first line therapy. In addition. In addition, the AOUP will be involved in the retrospective studies of traditional and innovative clinical biomarkers in mCRC using molecular diagnostics and imaging.
To better understand the pathophysiology of mCRC cancer in order to identify optimal treatments strategies on a case by case basis, with the evaluation of combinational therapies and the modulation of therapeutic interventions depending on the patient’s individual characteristics.

Antonio Russo

Antonio Galvano

Marta Castiglia

Viviana Bazan
University of Florence (affiliate partner)

Who we are
At LIH, novel diagnostic, curative and preventive approaches are developed in a multidisciplinary manner, leveraging the institute’s expertise ranging from ‘omic’ approaches to public health epidemiology, exposure measurement and digital health. LIH’s research activities put the patient at the center and aim to fully embrace the current paradigm shift in biomedical research, driven by the widespread adoption of disruptive technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning. The final aim is to develop of new diagnostics, innovative therapies and effective tools for personalized medicine.
Our role in REVERT
Leveraging on its long-standing expertise in biomarker validation, quality control and standardisation of processing methods, the LIH-IBBL will be involved in quality assurance, and will contribute to the development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) pertaining to pre-analytical and analytical validation protocols to measure classic and novel biomarkers.
By participating in this highly collaborative and translational project, the LIH-IBBL aims to provide a structured framework for best laboratory practices and associated QC processes, and to contribute to the harmonisation of REVERT clinical data and subsequent elaboration of decision criteria concerning the predictive performance characteristics of CRC biomarkers.

Monica Marchese

Olga Kofanova

Who we are
Malmö University is an innovative, urban and international institute of higher education, located in the center of Malmö, Sweden. The Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Health and Society, negotiates the multifaceted intersection between biology, chemistry, medicine, physics, and technology and the interdisciplinary approach to research and education aims to further the theoretical and practical understanding of the complex subject matter. Drawing on the balance between pure and applied research, the Department has been successful in attracting funding from regional, national, and international research funding bodies. The research at the faculty is also linked to the research center Biofilms - Research Center for Biointerfaces, which combines biomedical science with clinical and translational research in medical, dental, food and environmental application areas in close collaboration with regional industry.
Our role in REVERT
As a part of the project, Malmö University address the retrospective colorectal cancer cell needs, as well as performing experimental cancer research by in vitro 3D cancer cell culture development, drug treatment of these colorectal cancer cell cultures, imaging, biomarker detection and molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) targeting.

Anette Gjörloff Wingren

Who we are
GenXPro is a company specialized in nucleic acid data analyses, founded in 2005. We use Next Generation Sequencing to decipher genomic, transcriptomic and epigenetic information and derive clinically relevant information, which we make readily available for therapeutic decision support and research. We have developed highly sensitive techniques to analyze RNA from clinical samples such as FFPE tissue and from liquid biopsies, including plasma, urine and tears.
Our bioinformatics workflows interpret the multi-omics data using machine-learning approaches and connects the information with numerous omics-databases for most comprehensive data interpretation.
Our role in REVERT
GenXPro analyses DNA and RNA from the patient’s samples to identify meaningful molecular signatures for therapeutic decision support and drug-repositioning. Our mission in the Revert project is to better understand and use especially the RNA for an improved therapy of colon cancer.

Who we are
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -pürfung, Germany’s Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM, ca. 1700 employees), is a world-leading centre of excellence for “Safety in Technology and Chemistry”, integrating research, assessment and consultation in chemistry, materials sciences, and engineering. It develops cutting-edge technologies and conducts interdisciplinary research within its five focus areas Analytical Sciences, Materials, Energy, Environment, and Infrastructure. BAM is uniquely positioned at the interface of science, technology, economy, and politics. BAM is involved in numerous national and international committees and projects and thus makes a decisive contribution to the development of European industry and to people’s living and work environment. BAM’s Chemical and Optical Sensing Division develops and deploys innovative sensor materials and instrumental (bio)analytical techniques for user-friendly and reliable bio/chemical analysis, including receptors, dyes, and particles as probes, and their integration into devices, from microfluidic chips to high-end instruments. Most research is carried out in close collaboration with national and international academic partners, SMEs and NMIs.
Our role in REVERT
BAM will continue to develop a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) nanoprobe platform for the specific staining of cancer cells as means of an emerging diagnostic method and provide partner Malmö University with the probes for use, this approach building on a collaboration of both partners in the field within a previous Horizon 2020 project GlycoImaging (No. 721297).
BAM will also be involved in WP4, dealing with the definition and standardization of analytical and diagnostic procedures (SOPs), QC materials and the validation of biomarkers measurement. Due to its role at the interface of science, technology, economy, and politics, BAM is further involved in dissemination and exploitation.

Knut Rurack

Who we are
For nearly 60 years, Umeå University has been the premier destination of Research, higher education and Innovation in northern Sweden. Umeå University has world-leading researchers who work in national and international AI-projects. At Umeå University, research and education in AI has been conducted since the 1970s. Today, close to 100 researchers and teachers work in the field of AI and they are found at all faculties - medicine, science, social sciences and humanities. The Faculty of Medicine is making a long-term investment in AI in research and education program to develop competence fort he future and strengthening the application of AI technology broadly in medical research and innovation. Jenny Persson chairs and leads the work oft he Faculty’s AI Council.
Our role in REVERT
Jenny Persson, Professor at the Department of Molecular Biology and Chair of the Faculty of Medicine's AI Council, leads the work tasks in WP5 in REVERT consortium. The WP5 project, Jenny Persson’s team collect and manage massive amounts of clinical and research data to conduct innovative basic and transnational research and innovation in an efficient way. In addition, Jenny Persson and her research team in Umeå are studying the mechanisms and actions underlying the drug targets and therapeutic drugs used in clinics to effectively treat metastatic colorectal cancer. Under REVERT project, Jenny Persson’s team focuses on using AI technology and machine learning to predict both the risks of cancer spread and whether cancer will respond to treatment. Using AI technology, biomarker models can be developed using data from gene mutations and epigenetic changes - chemical modifications of DNA that occur in response to a disease - and other clinical data. AI-based biomarker models can be used for prognosis and treatment, and are therefore an important tool for the development of precision medicine, such as individually tailored treatment.
We will develop AI-based biomarker models which can be used for precision medicine and individually tailored treatment.

Jenny Persson

Martuza Sarwar

Tianyan Wang

Who we are
UCAM is a private university with 20 years of history and more than 16.000 students that offers 30 prominent European official graduations, 52 Master programs, 4 PhD programs and other prestigious titles. UCAM also offers a modern system of distance teaching. UCAM is strongly linked with the work world through study plans adapted to market exigencies, obligatory internships in institutions and enterprises in every program and research programs in collaboration with regional, national and multinational companies.
Our role in REVERT
UCAM, through the Structural Bioinformatics and High Performance Computing (BIO-HPC) research group and its International Projects Office (OPRI) coordinates the Work Package 3 of the project, aimed at the creation of a platform that allows the stratification of patients at risk according to their individual response to treatment with already-approved drugs. This will be the basis for developing a decision-support system that identifies relevant signatures within the molecular and clinical data of the patients for individualized treatment.
Our main mission statement is to create an artificial intelligent platform for the individual and personalized treatment of colorectal cancer patients.

Horacio Pérez-Sánchez

Antonio Jesús Banegas Luna

Jorge de la Peña García

Andrés Bueno-Crespo

Alfonso Pérez Garrido

Who we are Regional Institute of Oncology (IRO) in Iasi, the newest public health institution in Romania (active since 2012) has 300 beds committed for cancer diagnostic and treatment, and covering the North-East part of the country (roughly 44 000 Km2 and 5 million inhabitants). Recognized in the country as a top medical institution IRO Iasi is involved in clinical and basic scientific research. The Department of Molecular Biology recently developed into a 14 mil Euro translational oncology center (TRANSCEND) with EU research infrastructure funding. It includes a state of the art radio-pharmacology platform with in house production of radioactive isotopes and research-dedicated synthesis laboratory; Flow Cytometry, Digital Pathology & Tissue cytometry, Cell Culture & Cell Separation and Genetics; Genomics Laboratory and Proteomics. IRO Iasi is emerging as a trustful partner with a major potential that is combining all steps from basic research capability to clinical trials, being a significant partner in oncological translational research and clinical research.
Our role in REVERT
The main contribution of IRO Iasi in the REVERT project wiil be on WP6, a phase II clinical trial in which patients will be treated on a single study arm according to a computer algorithm derived from the previous packages. The study will propose the use of standard therapies that can be used in the treatment for metastatic colon and rectal cancers as first line options, without interfering with the standard treatment.
The Regional Oncology Institute of Iasi (IRO Iasi) will be the co-leader of WP6. We will enroll the patients will stage IV colo-rectal cancer in first line of treatment based on biomarkers provided by the previous results of the study. IRO Iasi has a great pool of patients and we believe this study will help them achieve better outcomes.

Gafton Bogdan

Gabriel Dimofte

Roata Cristian

Teodora Alexa-Stratulat

Elena Gafton

Froicu Eliza Maria

Who we are Olomedia srl. (www.olomedia.com) is a SME operating in the ICT sector since 2008. The Company draws its origins from the entrepreneurial initiative of some professionals that started in 1999 with the aim of forming a new production reality characterized by a strong drive for innovation and experimentation. Today, Olomedia is an ITCompany specialized in software solutions aimed primarily at the Healthcare sector. Thanks to the passion of the team, constantly updated, and to the presence on the national territory, Olomedia is a point of reference for private companies and public entities that wish to improve processes with new technologies. The R&D division uses cutting-edge technologies and systems for rapid application development, thus creating software systems based on the "distributed" model, reliable, scalable and easy to use thanks to their totally "web based" nature. A fundamental aspect of the information systems managed by Olomedia is represented by their “usability”. The softwares, in fact, are created by placing the end user (who will use it) at the center of the process, also taking care of the "graphic layout".
Our role in REVERT Our role in REVERT Olomedia has been involved in the Revert Project to create a unified platform for biobanks and databases, allowing researchers and scientists to access and use a wide range of biological data in a seamless and efficient manner. The Revert Project involves the design and development of a physical and virtual infrastructure for the integration of biobanks and databases. Olomedia is at the forefront of this development, providing cutting-edge technologies and expertise to create a platform that is both efficient and scalable. One of the key elements of the Revert Project is the development of the platform's core services. These services are designed to provide a wide range of functions, including data storage and retrieval, data management, and data analysis. Olomedia is responsible for developing the core services, ensuring that they are robust, efficient, and easy to use. In addition to the core services, Olomedia is also involved in the development of data representation and data management systems. These systems are designed to ensure that data is represented in a standardized and consistent manner, making it easy to access and analyze. Olomedia's expertise in data management ensures that data is managed effectively and securely, protecting it from unauthorized access or loss. Another important aspect of the Revert Project is software testing and integration.
Olomedia has extensive experience in software testing and is responsible for ensuring that all components of the platform work together seamlessly. This includes testing for compatibility, performance, and security, among other factors. Finally, Olomedia is also responsible for RDB maintenance and implementation. This involves the management of the platform's underlying databases, ensuring that they are optimized for performance and scalability. Olomedia's expertise in RDB maintenance ensures that the platform is reliable and efficient, providing researchers and scientists with the data they need to make groundbreaking discoveries.

Fabio Catania

Davide Fazio

Daniele Mondello

Annarita Leonarda

Alessandro Lo Buono

Who we are
Servicio Murciano de Salud (SMS) is the assistance branch of the Health Council from Murcia Region, Spain. Health Area number 2 from SMS comprises most of the Mediterranean coastal zone of Murcia Region, provides public sanitary service to a population of around 280.000 people and has Santa Lucia University Hospital (HGUSL) as the reference centre for this area.
Our role in REVERT
SMS participation through HGUSL in the project is twofold; from one side Pathology department is working on WP5 for the histological and molecular characterization of metastatic colorectal tumors supported by its long trajectory in biomarker discovery in CRC, digital pathology, molecular profiling and tissue biobanking. From the other side Oncology Department is being involved in WP6 given their experience in providing standard and novel molecular targeted therapies to CRC patients, previous clinical trials and CRC survival studies. The research group collaborates also with other pathologists, oncologists, molecular biologists and surgeons from other public hospitals in the region such as Virgen de la Arrixaca, Los Arcos, Rafael Méndez and Morales Meseguer Universitary Hospitals.
The mission of SMS in REVERT is to provide a consistent and documented database in which clinical, histological and molecular detailed information could help the identification of reliable makers and algorithms for predicting the response to treatment in CRC patients.

Begoña Alburquerque-González

Fernando López-Calderón

Daniel Torres-Moreno

Isabel Fernández-Martinez

Loli López-Abellán

Elena Guillén

Edith Rodríguez-Braun

Paola Pimentel

Verónica Castillo Guardiola

José García-Solano

Gines Luengo-Gil

Pablo Conesa-Zamora

Who we are
The Foundation for Health Training and Research of Murcia Region (FFIS) is a foundation of the non-profit public sector, which depends on the Ministry of Health of the Region of Murcia. Its main goal is “the management of knowledge, research and innovation projects in the bio-health field”. FFIS is also a management body of the BioMedical Research Institute of Murcia (IMIB), which aims to foster excellent research in bio-health and brings together the best clinical research groups in the Region of Murcia. FFIS offers a necessary technical support in the economic-administrative and human resources areas, as well as the management of administrative services and act when required as an office for transfer of research results.
Our role in REVERT
In the REVERT project, the FFIS provides support to Murcia Health Service (SMS) partner and applies its expertise on tasks related:
- to administrative project management (WP1) in order to monitor effectively the Project implementation in administrative and financial terms
- to active contribution to effective and tangible dissemination and communication of project knowledge and results to relevant stakeholders and the general public during the project duration, as well as contribution to ensure the project sustainability over time
We believe that with our participation on REVERT project we will contribute to improve the competitiveness of research groups and scientific excellence of projects in the bio-health field of the Region of Murcia.

Hana Hukelová

Guadalupe Ruiz

Who we are
The University of Florence has been ranked among top Italian Universities for the distribution of national research funds, and it is one of the most active Italian universities in terms of European projects and related grants. University of Florence embraces multidisciplinary competences in the fields of clinical oncology, diagnostic imaging, clinical biochemistry, cancer pharmacology, histopathology and molecular pathology involved in the REVERT project. Our institution's environment supports cross-fertilization between these sciences and collaboration with other participating partners.
Our role in REVERT
The University of Florence is part of the ONCONEST Joint Research Unit (JRU) and we will be involved in the prospective clinical study in which first line therapy of metastatic colorectal cancer patients will be suggested by a AI-based decision support system based on clinical, pathological, and molecular parameters of the individual patients.
The results of this study will contribute to defining personalized first line treatment options for metastatic colorectal cancer patients based on new clinical, pathological, and biomolecular profiles. In addition, the University of Florence will be involved in the retrospective studies for collecting standard and innovative clinical, pathological and biomolecular markers in metastatic colorectal cancer from archival databases.
The ultimate aim is contributing through the ONCONEST JRU to achieve a greater knowledge of the pathobiology of metastatic colorectal cancer patients who display interindividual variability in anticancer drug response in order to develop personalized medicine strategies.

Enrico Mini

Giandomenico Roviello